Preliminary election results show Mongolian People's Party in the lead | Election News

Prime Minister Luvsannamsrain Oyun-Erdene declares victory in the country's parliamentary elections, but the opposition makes significant gains.

The ruling Mongolian People's Party maintained a slim majority in the country's parliament while the opposition Democratic Party made significant gains, according to preliminary results reported Saturday morning.

Mongolian Prime Minister Luvsannamsrain Oyun-Erdene declared an early victory in a parliamentary election dominated by growing public anger over corruption and the state of the economy.

The prime minister told a news conference in the capital, Ulaanbaatar, that his ruling party had won a majority in the 126-seat body. “According to preliminary results, the Mongolian People's Party (MPP) has won the majority in the 126-seat body.” [MPP] “It has between 68 and 70 seats,” he said.

With 99 percent of the votes counted, Mongolian media tallies indicate that the opposition Democratic Party won around 40 seats, a big jump from 2020. The results indicate that opposition parties have been able to capitalize on discontent. voters and devour the majority of the ruling party.

“Through this election, people gave their assessment of the ruling party's past political mistakes,” said Democratic Party leader Gantumur Luvsannyam.

The MPP is the successor to the communist party that ruled Mongolia with an iron fist for nearly 70 years. It remains popular – particularly among older voters in rural areas – and has a sprawling campaign apparatus nationwide.

Meanwhile, results tallied by local media outlet Ikon showed anti-corruption party HUN won eight seats. Votes will be counted by hand on Saturday to ensure accuracy, after which an official result is expected.

'A new page in democracy'

On Friday, residents of this vast and sparsely populated nation of 3.4 million people, sandwiched between China and Russia, voted to elect 126 members of the Great State Khural.

The streets of Ulaanbaatar, home to nearly half of Mongolia's population, were adorned with colorful campaign posters promoting candidates from across the political spectrum, from populist businessmen to nationalists, environmentalists and socialists.

Long lines snaked through the halls of a polling station in central Ulaanbaatar, with many voters dressed in traditional clothing.

Tsagaantsooj Dulamsuren, a 36-year-old cashier pregnant with her fourth child, said the election offered her a chance to “empower candidates” she really wanted to support.

“I want lawmakers to provide more infrastructure development… and more manufacturing jobs for young people,” he said outside a polling station at a hospital near the capital.

Corruption scandals have eroded trust in the government and political parties. In addition to the centre-right Democratic Party, the HUN Party has emerged as a potential third force.

In addition to corruption, top issues for voters included unemployment and inflation in an economy shaken first by the COVID-19 pandemic and then by the fallout from the war in Ukraine.

However, many younger voters expressed disappointment with the ruling party, saying they had chosen younger candidates they hoped would bring change.

“I am very disappointed with the result,” said Shijir Batchuluun, 35, a marketing manager in Ulaanbaatar, suggesting that the younger generation had not turned out to vote. “It's the same thing again. “Singers, wrestlers and businessmen won.”

The prime minister thanked even those who did not vote for his party, saying that for the first time, five or six parties had been elected to parliament, reflecting a “new page” in Mongolian democracy.

“Having diverse and contrasting opinions is the essence of democracy. Your criticism will be reflected in our actions,” he stated.

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