Polar bear sleeping on iceberg wins wildlife photography award

The captivating snapshot titled “Ice Bed” was taken in the Norwegian archipelago of Svalbard.

A polar bear takes a nap on a small ice bed off the Norwegian archipelago of Svalbard. — Nima Sarikhani/Wildlife Photographer of the Year

An image showing a calm polar bear napping on an iceberg has earned him the coveted People's Choice award for Wildlife Photographer of the Year.

British amateur photographer Nima Sarikhani expressed his honor at winning with the captivating snapshot titled “Ice Bed,” taken in the Norwegian archipelago of Svalbard.

Sarikhani shared that the image evoked powerful emotions, particularly hope, among viewers. In a press release, she said: “While climate change is the biggest challenge we face, I hope this photograph also inspires hope; There is still time to clean up the mess we have caused.”

The contest had unprecedented participation: more than 75,000 people cast their votes. “Ice Bed” emerged triumphant from a shortlist of 25 images, carefully chosen from a pool of approximately 50,000 entries. The Natural History Museum in London is the driving force behind the Wildlife Photographer of the Year award.

Douglas Gurr, director of the Natural History Museum, praised the winning photograph as “moving” and “stunning.”

He highlighted its importance as a thought-provoking reminder of the vital connection between an animal and its habitat, and serves as a visual representation of the detrimental impacts of climate warming and habitat loss.

The winning image and four highly praised finalists will be on display at the Natural History Museum in London until June 30.

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