Peruvian 'alien mummies' unearthed at Lima airport are earthly dolls, scientists reveal

Experts at a press conference in Lima clarify that the small specimens are humanoid dolls

An image from a study conducted by Peru's Legal Medicine Institute on 'alien mummies' that concluded they are dolls made from animal bones is displayed in Lima, Peru, on January 12, 2024. —Reuters

A scientific analysis has debunked the mystery surrounding two “alien mummies” discovered at the airport in Lima, Peru, last October. Reuters reported.

Experts at a press conference in Lima clarified that the small specimens are humanoid dolls probably made from a combination of human and animal parts, joined with modern synthetic glue.

Flavio Estrada, archaeologist at the Institute of Legal Medicine and Forensic Sciences of Peru, stated categorically: “They are not aliens. They are dolls made with bones of animals from this planet.”

X-rays of studies carried out by Peru's Institute of Legal Medicine on extraterrestrial mummies are shown as the Institute says they are dolls made from animal bones in Lima, Peru, January 12, 2024. —Reuters
X-rays of studies carried out by the Institute of Legal Medicine of Peru on 'alien mummies' are shown as the Institute says they are dolls made from animal bones in Lima, Peru, January 12, 2024. —Reuters

The figures, found in a cardboard box at the DHL offices in Lima, were made to look like mummified bodies dressed in traditional Andean costumes. Despite media speculation about possible extraterrestrial origins, scientific analysis revealed a terrestrial and artificial origin of the mysterious artifacts.

Previously, in September, another set of small mummified bodies with elongated heads and three-fingered hands was displayed at a hearing in the Mexican Congress, generating widespread media coverage.

An x-ray and a study carried out by the Institute of Legal Medicine of Peru on the alien mummies that concluded that they are dolls made of animal bones is exhibited in Lima, Peru, on January 12, 2024. —Reuters
An x-ray and a study carried out by the Institute of Legal Medicine of Peru on the 'alien mummies' that concluded that they are dolls made of animal bones is exhibited in Lima, Peru, on January 12, 2024. —Reuters

However, experts ruled out that those bodies were likely a fraud, potentially involving ancient human mummies combined with animal parts. The recent press conference in Lima, organized by the Peruvian Ministry of Culture, emphasized that the dolls found at the airport had no direct relationship with the bodies presented in Mexico.

An x-ray and a study carried out by the Institute of Legal Medicine of Peru on the alien mummies that concluded that they are dolls made of animal bones is exhibited in Lima, Peru, on January 12, 2024. —Reuters
An x-ray and a study carried out by the Institute of Legal Medicine of Peru on the 'alien mummies' that concluded that they are dolls made of animal bones is exhibited in Lima, Peru, on January 12, 2024. —Reuters

The conclusive message from the experts is that none of the remains are extraterrestrial.

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