Opinion: Is Biden the mastermind or Biden the bungler?

Breaking news: Republicans haven't said it in so many words, but they appear to have a new line of attack against President Biden: suffer Dissociative identity disorder. Biden has multiple personalities.

For months, Republicans have hammered home the message that he is a confused octogenarian, a “well-intentioned old man with a bad memory,” in the gratuitous and frequently repeated words of the Republican special counsel who cleared Biden of crimes for having some classified documents.

Then the Republicans flipped the script: Biden is a criminal mastermind!

opinion columnist

Jackie Calmes

Jackie Calmes brings a critical look to the national political scene. He has decades of experience covering the White House and Congress.

They tell us that this political superman has achieved it”armed“The justice system. Biden called a “Kangaroo Court”No, worseto Stalinist show rehearsal! – and executed “the most atrocious miscarriage of justice in the history of our nation” by getting a jury to find Donald Trump guilty of 34 serious crimes before the 2024 elections. And wait for the sentence: on July 11, Biden, the puppet master of the deep state, will surely move again the strings of Judge Juan M. Merchán, to ensure that he throws Trump in jail.

“I grew up in Miami hearing stories about Castro's show trials in Cuba,” said the politically amenable Florida Republican Senator Marco Rubio. moaned in defense of Trump. “Not even in my worst nightmares would something like this happen here in the United States. But that's how it was.” (It's worth repeating: in 2016 Rubio saying, “Many people… are going to have to explain and justify how they fell into this trap of supporting Donald Trump.”)

As does Does Biden do it? How did he get a state grand jury, a trial jury and a judge to do his bidding? Well, let's leave it to Republican Rep. Jim Jordan of Ohio, that congressional fighter-turned-fighter who chairs the House Select Subcommittee on Arming the Federal Government (yes, there really is such a thing in the Republican-controlled House ), to find the answer. Jordan has summoned Manhattan district. Lawyer. Alvin Bragg and Bragg's lead prosecutor in the Trump trial will testify under oath next Thursday. It doesn't matter that they are New York officials, not cogs in the federal government. under Biden's leadership.

But wait: the supposed commander-in-chief of this armed government has transformed once again. His new personality: Biden the bungler.

Republicans would have us believe that the president engineered a “fake” case to turn Trump into a convicted felon, and yet Biden has failed to stop “his” Justice Department from putting his own son in jail. in court. Hunter Biden is now in court, charged with three criminal counts alleging that he lied about his drug use when he purchased a firearm in 2018.

And there are more prosecutions than just one partisan. A bungler, not an evil brain, would have allowed it. Justice Department this week too is trying Democratic Senator Robert Menéndez of New Jersey, accused of corruption. (Facing re-election defeat as a Democrat, Menéndez on Monday archived papers to possibly run as an independent.) And last month, the Justice Department accused yet another Democrat, Rep. Henry Cuellar of Texas, also charged with bribery involving foreign interests.

Biden apparently created a Frankenstein monster out of the country's top law enforcement department, which has not only turned against his own party, but also against his own family.

Republicans, Fox News and the rest of MAGA Media Inc. revel in Hunter Biden's judgment, without, of course, acknowledging that it contradicts their nonsense. “two-tier justice system” talk nonsense. But even among those who celebrate what they consider fair processes, some can't help it. They claim that both the current federal trial and a second that Hunter Biden faces in September in Los Angeles, on charges of tax evasion, are “rigged.”

Fox News' Steve Doocy started an interview on Monday with right-wing columnist Miranda Devine of the New York Post by pointing out that Hunter is on trial in Wilmington, Delaware, President Biden's hometown and the site of his campaign headquarters. “All the other federal buildings,” and even a popular I-95 rest stop in Delaware, are named after Biden, Doocy said. Who, he asked, “would want to go against the Biden family”? As if it were a criminal family.

Devine, live from Wilmington, followed the game. With the president in town over the weekend, he said, “everyone” knows that he “is following very closely what Judge Maryellen Noreika is doing in her courtroom.” He is making “a really striking display of standing next to her son,” he said. That's a presidential signal, he says: “'If you mess with my son, you mess with me.' “

The trial of Hunter Biden is “the opposite, really, of Donald Trump,” Devine closed. “The odds are very high for Hunter Biden in this case.”


The Hunter investigation began six years ago in the Trump Justice Department (without Joe Biden complaining about “weaponizing justice”). When his father became president, he kept the Trump-appointed federal prosecutor investigating his son, Republican David Weiss. (Can't you imagine Trump, as president, doing the same thing if a Democratic candidate nominated were investigating Donald Jr.?) When Hunter's plea deal on gun and tax charges collapsed In July (overruled by Trump-appointed judge Noreika), President Biden's attorney general granted Weiss's request to become special counsel. As such, Weiss could press charges against the son in any federal court. Blame him for choosing Bidenland, Del., and blue LA

Nothing about Hunter Biden's humiliating legal situation suggests that Mastermind Joe Biden is stacking the odds. And God loves him, like Biden himself. one could say. For respecting the rule of law, even against his only living son.


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