North Korea plans to launch a space satellite before June 4: Japan | Gun News

The sanctions-breaking launch follows Pyongyang's third successful attempt to launch a spy satellite in November.

North Korea has notified Japan of its plans to launch a satellite between May 27 and June 4, after launching its first spy satellite into orbit on the third attempt last November.

The Japanese Coast Guard said the eight-day launch window began from midnight Sunday to Monday, and North Korea detailed three dangerous sea zones near the Korean Peninsula and the Philippine island of Luzon, where the debris could fall. of the rocket carrying the satellite.

The announcement came ahead of the first trilateral summit between Japan, South Korea and China in nearly five years.

Officials from the United States, Japan and South Korea held telephone conversations after the advisory was issued and urged Pyongyang to suspend the plan as launching a satellite using ballistic missile technology would violate United Nations resolutions, he said. the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan.

Nuclear-armed North Korea launched its first spy satellite into orbit in November after two failed attempts, in a move that drew widespread condemnation.

The United States called the launch, which came two months after Russian President Vladimir Putin met with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un at the Vostochny Cosmodrome in eastern Russia and promised technical assistance to the isolated country, a “violation.” shameless” of UN sanctions.

Kim Jong Un said late last year that Pyongyang would launch three more military spy satellites this year, as it continues a military modernization program that saw a record number of weapons tests in 2023.

Experts say spy satellites could improve Pyongyang's intelligence-gathering capabilities, particularly on South Korea, and provide crucial data in any military conflict.

Seoul said on Friday that South Korean and US intelligence services were “closely monitoring and following” suspected preparations for the launch of another military reconnaissance satellite.

The alleged preparations were detected in North Korea's Tongchang-ri, Cholsan county, where the Sohae satellite launch site is based and where previous launches took place.

Seoul has said that North Korea received technical help from Russia for the launch of that satellite, in exchange for sending weapons to Moscow for use in its war in Ukraine.

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