'No more tactics, fair fight'

Accusing Biden of deploying judges and prosecutors to influence the electoral landscape, Donald Trump urged him to fight his fight himself.

Republican presidential hopeful and former US President Donald Trump speaks at a campaign rally in Concord, New Hampshire, on January 19, 2024. – AFP

Former President Donald Trump received unanimous support from the Supreme Court, securing his place on the 2024 Colorado primary ballot.

Speaking from Mar-a-Lago, Trump expressed gratitude for the court's “extremely important” decision and predicted its lasting impact on the nation's unity.

The Supreme Court's sweeping, meticulously crafted verdict not only safeguards Donald Trump's standing in Colorado, but sets a precedent for similar challenges in several states. Buoyed by his popularity, Trump boldly stated, “I am defeating President Biden in almost every poll, and this decision reflects the will of the voters.”

However, Trump quickly changed focus and launched a direct challenge to President Biden. Accusing Biden of deploying judges and prosecutors to influence the electoral landscape, Trump urged: “Fight your fight yourself. Don't use these tactics. Our country is much bigger than that.”

While celebrating the legal victory, Donald Trump reflected on the upcoming presidential immunity case, which will begin on April 22. Emphasizing the seriousness of it, he argued that a president must make crucial decisions without the burden of legal apprehensions for the good of the nation.

Border security emerged as a central theme in Trump's speech, demanding that Biden take immediate action to “close the borders now.” Highlighting the crisis and calling it an “immigration crime,” Trump affirmed Biden's authorization to act decisively.

Despite the legal challenges surrounding him, Trump reiterated his commitment to securing victories based on policy-driven merits. Addressing issues such as tax cuts, war prevention, and economic stability, he stressed, “I don't want to win this way,” emphasizing the importance of fair political competition.

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