Niger revokes the license of the French nuclear group in an important uranium mine | Mining News

The removal of Orano's license highlights tensions with France, with Russia said to be considering the important site.

Niger's military government has revoked French nuclear fuel producer Orano's operating license at one of the world's largest uranium mines, as it continues to cut ties with former colonial power France.

State-owned Orano said on Thursday it had been ordered to leave the Imouraren mine in northern Niger, where there are an estimated 200,000 tonnes of the metal, used for nuclear power and weapons.

Al Jazeera's Ahmed Idris reported from Abuja that Niger's Mining Ministry had warned it would revoke Orano's license if development of the mine had not begun by June 19.

Orano insisted in a statement on Thursday that it had recently resumed “activities” at the site, reopening “infrastructures” to accommodate “construction teams,” working in line with the wishes of the government, which came to power through a coup. State in July. last year.

Mining was supposed to have started at Imouraren in 2015, but development was frozen after the collapse in global uranium prices following the 2011 Japanese disaster, when a tsunami hit the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant in the country's northeast.

Russian interest

The Niger government's decision to revoke Orano's license may have broader geopolitical implications. As Al Jazeera's Idris noted, relations between Niger and its former colonial ruler plummeted after last year's coup.

Supporters of the military government protest in front of the French air base in Niamey to demand the departure of the French army from the country [File: AFP]

“The Nigerien government ordered the French ambassador to leave,” he said. “This was followed by the eviction of several hundred French soldiers stationed in Niger and the closure of all French bases in Niger.”

The government, which has increasingly turned to Russia and Iran for support, pledged to review foreign mining concessions in the country after taking power in July last year.

Now, according to Idris, it appears to be targeting French companies.

“Russian companies have indicated interest in the uranium mining site at Imouraren and we have also seen a flurry of activity between Russian companies and… Russian mercenaries in Niger, which could indicate the direction of where this new license will go. .”. he added.

Orano has been present in Niger since 1971. A uranium mine in Arkokan has been closed since 2021, but Orano operates another uranium mine in the northern region of Arlit despite what it calls “logistical” difficulties.

Niger, which accounts for about a quarter of the natural uranium supplied to Europe, is landlocked and its border with Benin, its main maritime access, is closed, making exports of its minerals difficult. The government says this is for “security” reasons.

Orano said he was “willing to keep all channels of communication open with the Nigerien authorities on this matter, reserving the right to challenge the decision to withdraw the mining license before national or international courts.”

Niger's government had no immediate comment.

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