Left-winger George Galloway wins Rochdale by-election

His victory underlines divisions in Britain over the Israeli invasion of Gaza, which has brought protesters to British streets.

Candidate George Galloway, leader of Britain's Workers' Party, speaks after winning the Rochdale parliamentary by-election, at a polling station near Manchester, Britain, March 1, 2024. – Reuters

George Galloway, leader of the left-wing Workers' Party in Great Britain, has become the new legislator from the English town of Rochdale with 12,335 votes, compared to the independent candidate David Tully, who came second with 6,638 votes. Reuters reported on Friday.

Galloway won over many members of Rochdale's Muslim community by attacking both Labor and Britain's ruling Conservatives for supporting the Israeli invasion of Gaza, making a foreign conflict the main issue, unusual in a by-election where the Local concerns often dominate.

In his victory speech, Galloway said: “Keir Starmer, this is for Gaza. You have paid, and will pay, a high price for the role you have played in allowing, encouraging and covering up the catastrophe currently occurring in occupied Palestine in the Gaza Strip”.

His victory underlines divisions in Britain over the conflict between Israel and Hamas, which is in its fifth month and has brought protesters to British streets in support of both sides.

British lawmakers have faced threats to do more to end the fighting in Gaza, and with national elections due this year, Galloway's return to parliament will be brief but explosive.

He has promised to speak out on Gaza in parliament, defying Labor who initially gave full backing to Israel after the October 7 attack. The party has since changed its position and calls for an immediate humanitarian ceasefire.

It will be the first time Galloway's left-wing British Workers' Party has been represented in parliament.

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