Karachi still ranked among world's 'least liveable' cities: survey

Women carry drinking water in jerrycans, in Karachi, Pakistan, on June 7, 2024. — AFP

Karachi, the port city that once shone with its state-of-the-art infrastructure and modern education, has once again been ranked the least liveable city in a global survey.

He Economic Intelligence unita sister organization of The Economisthas ranked 173 cities around the world based on a number of important factors, including healthcare, culture and environment, stability, infrastructure and education. cnn reported.

City scores were given on a scale of one to 100, where one meant an intolerable living situation and 100 represented an ideal living situation.

According to the report, Karachi was ranked 169th, receiving an overall score of 42.7, and did not perform well, particularly on the stability indicator, with only 20.

The megalopolis received scores of 54.2 in health, 35.9 in culture and environment, 75 in education and 51.8 in infrastructure.

Meanwhile, other cities, such as Lagos in Nigeria, Algiers in Algeria, Tripoli in Libya and Damascus in Syria, trail just behind Karachi with even worse living conditions.

The report comes at a time when Pakistan faces a prolonged political and economic crisis.

By contrast, the Austrian city of Vienna continues to top the list with a remarkable overall score of 98.4. Denmark's Copenhagen maintained its second position, while Switzerland's Zurich rose from sixth to third on the list.

Western Europe performed well, with 30 cities earning an average score of 92 out of 100, but the region saw an overall decline in stability scores, which was attributed to “increases in cases of disruptive protests” and crime.

The 10 'most liveable cities' of 2024

1. Vienna, Austria

2. Copenhagen, Denmark

3. Zurich, Switzerland

4Melbourne, Australia

5. Calgary, Canada

5. Geneva, Switzerland

7. Sydney, Australia

7. Vancouver, Canada

9. Osaka, Japan

9. Auckland, New Zealand

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