Iran claims ownership of Antarctica in defiance of global treaty and prepares for military operation at South Pole

The announcement emphasized Iran's intention to raise its flag and conduct activities in Antarctica.

Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei delivers a televised speech in Tehran, Iran, on Jan. 8, 2021 (left) and icebergs float in a fjord near the southern Greenland city of Narsaq on Jan. 28 July 2009 (right). Reuters

The commander of Iran's Navy declared Antarctica property of the regime and affirmed plans for a military operation at the South Pole. Fox News reported.

The announcement, made in a televised broadcast last fall, emphasized Iran's intention to raise its flag and conduct both military and scientific activities in the region.

“We have property rights in the South Pole. We have a plan to raise our flag there and carry out military and scientific work,” declared the commander of the Iranian Navy, Rear Admiral Shahram Irani, at the end of September.

This statement has raised concerns, especially in the context of recent actions by Iranian-backed militias that resulted in the deaths of three American soldiers in Jordan.

Questions have arisen about whether the United States' unfreezing of $6 billion in Iranian funds could potentially be used to establish a base in Antarctica.

However, a spokesperson for the US State Department clarified that these funds are strictly intended for humanitarian goods and cannot be used for activities in Antarctica.

Despite rising global tensions, including the Iranian-backed Hamas massacre in southern Israel, the Biden administration released $6 billion in sanctions relief. Iran's President Ebrahim Raisi questioned restrictions on the use of funds and affirmed the regime's prerogative to allocate funds as needed.

The possible expansion of Iran's military presence in Antarctica raises concerns about violations of multilateral conventions. Yonah Jeremy Bob, a military and intelligence analyst, emphasized the risks associated with Iran's aggressive actions, urging the United States and its allies to take the nuclear threat more seriously.

While Iran's naval ambitions extend beyond the Middle East (previous reports indicate plans for a military presence in the Panama Canal), the international community remains alert.

The complexities of claiming an interest in Antarctica, as highlighted by experts, raise questions about the recognition of such efforts in existing treaties.

As tensions rise, world powers are closely monitoring Iran's actions and their potential implications for international stability.

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