Indian woman raped by nursing staff in Rajasthan hospital

A staff member cleans medical equipment inside a room prepared to treat people infected with the Omicron coronavirus variant at the Civil Hospital in Ahmedabad, India, on December 6, 2021. – Reuters

In a heartbreaking incident, a 24-year-old woman admitted to the ICU of a private hospital in Alwar district of Rajasthan was allegedly raped by a nursing assistant.

According NDTVThe alleged assault occurred around 4 a.m., and the survivor claimed that the defendant gave her an injection to render her unconscious when she tried to raise the alarm.

The victim, being treated for a lung infection, recounted her ordeal after regaining consciousness when her husband contacted her via mobile phone.

According to media reports, the woman said one of the male nurses arrived at the ICU in the middle of the night. He drew the curtains in the room and began making lewd gestures, and injected the woman when she resisted.

The woman said that when she regained consciousness she tried to make a noise, to which the accused threatened to inject her again.

The alleged rape victim said she tried to ask a nurse for help, but instead of helping her, the nurse began threatening her as well.

According to media reports, as soon as her husband arrived in the morning, the woman informed him about the entire incident and lodged a complaint with the police, following which the police, taking action, obtained CCTV footage from the ICU and arrested The accused. .

The accused, identified as Chirag Yadav, has been detained for questioning. CCTV footage shows him approaching the victim's bed and hiding it with curtains.

An FIR has been lodged and authorities are carrying out a thorough investigation into the distressing incident.

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