India has more nuclear weapons than Pakistan: SIPRI

An Agni V surface-to-surface missile is displayed during the Republic Day parade in New Delhi on January 26, 2013. – Reuters
  • SIPRI says the United States has the most warheads.
  • Russia and the United States possess 90% of all nuclear weapons.
  • SIPRI urges world leaders to step back and reflect.

STOCKHOLM: India possesses more nuclear weapons than Pakistan by 2024, according to the annual assessment by the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI).

The watchdog, in its assessment of the state of arms, disarmament and international security, revealed that the United States has the largest number of warheads, followed by Russia, the United Kingdom, France, China, India, Pakistan, North Korea and Israel.

The report also says that amid deteriorating geopolitical relations, the role of nuclear weapons has become more prominent with an increase in their number and types as states deepen their reliance on nuclear deterrence.

He said nuclear-armed states continued to modernize their nuclear arsenals and several deployed new nuclear-armed or nuclear-capable weapons systems in 2023.

The investigation noted that around 9,585 warheads out of a total of 12,121 as of January 2024 were in military arsenals for potential use. In addition, 3,904 of these warheads were deployed with missiles and aircraft, 60 more than in January 2023, while around 2,100 remained on high operational alert over ballistic missiles.

He added that almost all of these warheads belonged to Russia or the United States, but for the first time China is believed to have some warheads on high operational alert.

SIPRI Director Dan Smith expressed concern about this trend: “While the global total of nuclear warheads continues to decline as Cold War-era weapons are gradually dismantled, unfortunately we continue to see year-over-year increases in the number of operational nuclear weapons. warheads.”

SIPRI further stated that Russia and the United States possess almost 90% of all nuclear weapons, adding that both countries have more than 1,200 decommissioned warheads that they are dismantling. It has also estimated that China's nuclear arsenal increased from 410 warheads in January 2023 to 500 in January 2024.

Regarding the United Kingdom, he said its warhead arsenal is expected to grow in the future, while France continues its programs to develop a third-generation nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarine (SSBN) and a new ship-launched cruise missile. air, as well as to renew it. and update existing systems.

SIPRI said India and North Korea are seeking the ability to deploy multiple warheads on ballistic missiles. He also said India slightly expanded its nuclear arsenal in 2023.

“India appears to be placing increasing emphasis on longer-range weapons, including those capable of hitting targets throughout China,” he said, adding that India continued to develop new types of nuclear delivery systems last year.

He said North Korea has about 50 warheads and possesses enough fissile material to reach a total of up to 90 warheads, both significant increases from estimates for January 2023.

Israel is also believed to be modernizing its nuclear arsenal and appears to be upgrading its plutonium production reactor site at Dimona.

“We are now in one of the most dangerous periods in human history,” Smith said. “There are numerous sources of instability: political rivalries, economic inequalities, ecological disruptions, an accelerating arms race. The abyss is calling and it is time for the great powers to step back and reflect. Preferably together.”

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