“Impunity must end”: the world reacts to the ICJ ruling against the Israeli occupation | News about the conflict between Israel and Palestine

The international reaction has been swift since the United Nations' top court ruled that Israel's continued presence in the occupied Palestinian territory is illegal and must end quickly.

Palestinian officials have hailed the ICJ ruling as a “defining moment” in their decades-long fight for justice. Israel swiftly condemned Friday's decision, while its main ally, the United States, criticized the ruling on Saturday after an initial silence.

While not binding, the advisory ruling by the 15 judges concluded that Israel has no right to sovereignty over the occupied territory, has violated international laws against acquiring territory by force and is blocking the Palestinians' right to self-determination.

It also ruled that countries are obliged not to “provide aid or assistance to maintain” Israel’s presence in the territory.

This is how the world has reacted:


Prime Minister Anthony Albanese's government said it respects the ICJ's “role in upholding international law and the rules-based order.”

“We want to see Israel take concrete steps to stop settlement expansion in response to extremist activity,” the government said in a statement, adding that it was still “carefully considering the details” of the ruling.


Foreign Minister Hadja Lahbib said in a post on social media: “Belgium will always stand up for respect for international law.”


The Foreign Office said the ruling “reinforces the need for a two-state solution, with an independent and viable Palestinian state living alongside Israel, in peace and security, within the 1967 borders, which include the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, with East Jerusalem as its capital.”


The Foreign Ministry called on the UN and its member states to “take appropriate measures to stop the crimes being committed in the Gaza Strip and to guarantee Palestine’s right to self-determination.”

Bolivia cut ties with Israel in the early days of the war and later became the first Latin American country to back a separate genocide case brought against Israel by South Africa at the ICJ.


The Foreign Ministry called on Israel to quickly end the occupation, halt any new settlement activity and evacuate all existing settlements.

The ministry also urged international parties to “respect and implement the ICJ advisory opinion, assist the Palestinian people in exercising their right to self-determination and work to end the humanitarian suffering they are experiencing.”


The Foreign Ministry said the ICJ ruling was “clear.”

“Israel’s continued occupation of the West Bank and East Jerusalem is illegal, as are its settlement activities. Iceland calls on Israel to cease all activities that violate international law,” it said.


President Joe Biden's administration, which often emphasizes a “rules-based order,” criticized the ruling despite acknowledging that Israeli settlements are “incompatible” with international law.

“We are concerned that the broad sweep of the court's opinion will complicate efforts to resolve the conflict and achieve a much-needed just and lasting peace, with two states living side by side in peace and security,” the U.S. State Department told Reuters news agency.


The Southeast Asian country said the ruling “addresses the aspiration of Indonesia and the rest of the international community to provide justice to the Palestinians.”

“Indonesia calls on the United Nations General Assembly and the Security Council to heed the court's request by considering appropriate means and necessary measures to end Israel's illegal presence in Palestine,” the Foreign Ministry said.


Foreign Secretary Michael Martin said he would work with his EU and UN partners “to see how we can now implement this authoritative court opinion to end… Israel’s illegal presence” in the occupied Palestinian territory.


The Foreign Ministry said the ICJ ruling “reflects the high standards of international law that must be respected.”

He reiterated Qatar's “firm position on the justice of the Palestinian cause and the moral imperative to support the legitimate rights of the brotherly Palestinian people.”


Foreign Minister Ayman Sadadi said: “Israel’s impunity must end. Its war crimes must stop. Israel must be held accountable.”


The Gulf country's foreign ministry called on the international community to fulfill its “legal, political and moral duties to achieve the aspirations of the brotherly Palestinian people to establish their independent state and stop the aggression against Gaza.”


The European principality's mission to the UN said the ICJ “places the rule of law at the heart of the resolution of international disputes.”

“We look forward to working with all States on the basis of [ruling]in particular to ensure the full implementation of the right to self-determination,” he said on Day X.


The Southeast Asian country hailed the “historic ruling.”

“Malaysia calls on all states to compel Israel to abide by the ICJ decision and immediately end their support for Israel in its continued illegal occupation of Palestine,” it said.


Foreign Minister Espen Barth Eide described the ICJ ruling as “crystal clear.”

“Israeli policies and practices must be considered an annexation of large parts of the occupied Palestinian territory and violate international law,” he wrote in X.


Madrid said the ruling “includes important pronouncements… on the illegality of the Israeli occupation of the Palestinian territories and on the settlements, among other aspects.”

“The Government urges the UN and the international community to take into account the findings of the report and take appropriate action,” it added.


The Foreign Ministry urged Israel to “comply with its duties and obligations under international law,” as set out in the ICJ opinion.

South Africa

South Africa's Minister for International Relations and Cooperation Ronald Lamola said the ruling “affirms South Africa's long-standing position that Israel's occupation of Palestinian territory remains illegal under international law.”

“There is now an additional legal obligation on all states to end their complicity in Israel’s illegal actions and to act to ensure respect for international law,” it said in a statement.

United Kingdom

The newly formed Labour government said it “respects the independence of the ICJ” and is considering the ruling before giving an official response.

The Foreign Office added that the UK is “strongly opposed to the expansion of illegal settlements and the rise in settler violence”.

United Arab Emirates

The United Arab Emirates, which established formal diplomatic relations with Israel in 2020, “welcomed” the ruling.

The Foreign Ministry said it “rejects all measures aimed at altering the historical and legal status of the Occupied Palestinian Territory and all practices that contravene resolutions on international legitimacy that threaten further escalation and instability in the region and impede efforts to achieve peace and stability.”

Saudi Arabia

The kingdom welcomed the ruling and stressed the “need to take practical and credible steps to achieve a just and comprehensive solution to the Palestinian cause.”


The Foreign Ministry said the international community “is obliged to take a firm and determined stance to put an end to Israel’s illegal practices.”

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