Horse stranded on the roof of a house in Brazil amid floods

A heartbreaking video emerged from Brazil in which a horse tries to survive by standing on the roof of a house in Rio Grande do Sul in the midst of deadly floods in the country that claimed at least 100 people.

The video was recorded by TVGlobo using a helicopter Wednesday as the agency measured destruction in waterlogged areas.

The Civil Defense Department of Rio Grande do Sul said it was launching a mission to rescue the stranded horse.

The horse was apparently abandoned by its caretakers, who fled for their lives from the deadly flood, in which hundreds of injuries have also been reported.

Bad weather also disrupted rescue efforts by Brazilian authorities, as more than 163,000 people were forced to take shelter and save their lives.

The devastation was unleashed last week when torrential rains began, devastating infrastructure and road connectivity in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, on the border with Uruguay and Argentina.

Adriana Freitas in the state capital, Porto Alegre, where the Guaiba River overflowed and flooded the city streets, said: “We have lost everything. It is sad when we see the city, our house, in the middle of the water. It seems that It's over, the world is over.”

Rescue teams are also locating 128 people, urging people near Patos Lagoon to leave their homes.

Reuters He also reported that a local volunteer found about 20 dogs stranded on the second floor of an abandoned factory and offered them food.

Meteorologist MetSul said in a statement that the region could face more “very large” and “serious” flooding.

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