Heat wave kills almost 200 homeless people in one week in the Indian capital

A man covers his face with a cloth to protect himself from the sun as he inspects train tracks during a hot summer day in New Delhi, India, June 18, 2024. – Reuters
  • 52 bodies were brought to New Delhi hospitals in the last two days.
  • Most of the victims belong to the poor class who worked and lived outdoors.
  • The country reports more than 40,000 suspected cases of heatstroke.

NEW DELHI: Around 200 homeless people died in the Indian capital last week due to the heat wave prevailing in the country, a group dedicated to helping the homeless said.

As many as 52 bodies were brought to hospitals in the last two days, according to the report. Indian Times Most of them were poor people who lived and worked outdoors, he reported Thursday.

The Center for Holistic Development has said that, according to government figures, a total of 192 homeless people died in New Delhi between June 11 and 19, a higher number than reported in previous years.

“The poorest bear the cost of this climate change. Most of these people live under flyovers and in the open air and have no protection from the heat. These are mostly deaths due to heat waves,” said Sunil Kumar Aledia , which runs CHD. Reuters.

India has recorded more than 40,000 suspected cases of heatstroke this summer and at least 110 confirmed deaths between March 1 and June 18, when northwest and east India recorded more than double the usual number of heatstroke days. heat.

“A prolonged summer should be classified as a natural disaster,” Tthe hindu the newspaper said in an editorial Thursday, pointing to water shortages and record energy demand.

The Ministry of Health ordered federal and state institutions to ensure immediate care for patients, while hospitals were ordered to make more beds available.

The Met Office has also forecast above-normal temperatures for this month, and Delhi experienced its warmest night in more than 50 years on Wednesday, with a minimum temperature of 35.2°C (95°F), data showed. of the meteorological department.

However, temperatures fell almost 6C to 37C (98.6F) on Thursday in the capital after rain eased the heat, data from the meteorological department showed.

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