Germany legalizes recreational cannabis but introduces strict purchasing rules

Starting April 1, smoking cannabis in many public spaces will be legal in Germany

A protester holds a sign that says “it's not criminal” at a demonstration calling for the legalization of cannabis in Germany. —Reuters

The German parliament passed a new law allowing the recreational use of cannabis, marking a significant change in drug policy. bbc reported.

While people over the age of 18 will now have the right to possess substantial quantities of cannabis, purchasing the drug will be subject to strict regulations.

From April 1, smoking cannabis in many public spaces will be legal, with possession limits set at 25g in public spaces and 50g in private spaces.

Health Minister Karl Lauterbach, one of the reforms' advocates, aims to tackle the black market, improve consumer safety and disrupt organized crime's sources of income. However, the complexity of the approved law raises questions about its practical implementation.

Despite legalization, there will not be an immediate proliferation of legal cannabis cafes. The original plan to allow licensed shops and pharmacies to sell cannabis was abandoned due to EU concerns about potential drug exports.

Instead, the law introduces “cannabis social clubs”, limited to German residents, with a limit of 500 members per club. These non-commercial clubs will grow and distribute a restricted amount of cannabis.

While a limited number of cannabis plants will be allowed to be grown at home, the regulated market aims to control the availability of the drug.

Smoking cannabis near specific areas, such as schools and sports fields, will remain illegal. The passage of the law comes after a heated debate, with critics arguing that the regulations can fuel the black market.

The government plans to evaluate the impact of the law in the coming years and potentially introduce licensed cannabis sales. However, uncertainties remain as opposition conservatives express intentions to repeal the law if they come to power next year.

Germany's path to cannabis legalization is characterized by complexity, and the nation is unlikely to become Europe's cannabis hub anytime soon.

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