Gas explosion in Nairobi leaves 3 dead and 300 injured in Embakasi district, Kenya

A huge gas explosion in Nairobi, the capital of Kenya, has left around 300 people injured and at least three dead.

A truck carrying gas exploded in the Embakasi district around 11:30 p.m. (20:30 GMT), “igniting a huge fireball,” a government spokesman said.

Damage was caused to cars, businesses and homes. In the video you can see a massive fire near apartment buildings.

The cause of the explosion is under investigation and the area has been cordoned off.

It has been found by bbc that the event has resulted in the arrest of at least one person.

Authorities then explained that a truck had detonated in the gas plant parking lot, rather than the original claim that the explosion occurred there while workers were refilling gas cylinders.

Thanks to this, the fire that started has been contained.

Embakasi police chief Wesley Kimeto confirmed that a child was among the dead and warned that the number could still rise.

Authorities reported that 271 people, including at least 25 children, were admitted to the hospital.

Many of these people were treated and returned to their homes, according to Nairobi Mayor Sakaja Johnson, while at least 39 were transported to other hospitals with serious or critical injuries.

Twenty-seven more people were treated at the scene for non-life-threatening injuries.

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