First openly gay Irish PM Leo Varadkar abruptly resigns

Leo Varadkar resigns as Irish Prime Minister for “personal and political” reasons.—Reuters

In a shocking statement on Wednesday, Leo Varadkar, Ireland's first openly gay Prime Minister, announced his resignation as prime minister citing a mix of personal and political circumstances. NBC News reported.

Varadkar, who became Ireland's youngest taoiseach (head of government) in 2017, revealed the decision to resign from his two politically active positions, namely the leadership of Fine Gael, one of the center-right parties that make up the ruling coalition. government which includes Fianna Fáil and the Green Party.

At a press conference held at the end of Dublin's government buildings, Varadkar highlighted the progress made towards a better and equal Ireland. While there was a poetic tone evident in his statement, Varadkar did not commit to a reason for leaving and left his intentions for the future opaque, adding: “I have no specific personal or political plans.”

When the announcement was made public, it appeared to be a “lightning from the blue” among all Irish people, who were protecting their long-held beliefs and political orientations, the senior Irish official said. NBC News on condition of anonymity.

Whether the opposite was anticipated or not, Varadkar's experience as a qualified doctor appeared to be a factor that prevented him from entering politics for a long time, which eventually took its toll and prompted him to leave.

Varadkar's resignation, although coming fairly close to his visit to the White House to meet President Joe Biden earlier, cannot be a factor that automatically pushes the country into a general election. On the contrary, the proposed calendar is modified, with the selection of a new party leader until April 6, after which a transition of power will occur after the parliamentary Easter recess.

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