Fines of up to 20,000 dirhams for administrative violations

A set of administrative violations related to the Emirates ID card, residency services and issues relating to foreigners have been categorized.

A representative image showing the UAE flag with visa and stamp. — Daily schedules

The Federal Authority for Identity, Citizenship, Customs and Port Security (ICP) has categorized a set of administrative violations related to the Emirates ID card, residency services and immigration issues. Gulf News reported.

According to the ICP, penalties vary between 20 and 20,000 dirhams, depending on the type of violation.

According to an ICP source who detailed the violations listed on the website, the fine for issuing visas or entry permits to an establishment that does not carry out any activity is Dh20,000.

The ICP has classified violations into 14 categories. Among them are:

Three violations worth 5,000 dirhams

  • Interfere with the work of ICP workers.
  • Do not collaborate with them.
  • Failure of the client to pay for ICP services provided.

500 dirhams of punishment for six different categories of violations

  • An organization that provides the ICP passport officer with information about a person who is not an authorized representative of the organization.
  • Use e-dirham to send transactions that are not associated with the company the representative represents.
  • Expiration date of the representative's card.
  • When submitting transactions, the representative's card is not displayed.
  • Violate the work system in service centers.
  • Failure to fulfill the promise made by individuals to the ICP.

Additional sanctions include

  • A person can be fined Dh3,000 if they provide false information.
  • Users who print their applications incorrectly may be fined 100 dirhams.
  • If they forget to renew their Emirates ID card within 30 days of expiry, they may be fined Dh20 per day, up to a maximum of Dh1,000.
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