Everyone talks about Biden's age | TV shows

The two oldest candidates in American history face off in a battle to lead the world's greatest superpower. Given how partisan the media has become, has the mainstream media intentionally ignored issues surrounding Joe Biden's age and his potential cognitive decline?

Rachel Leingang: Democracy reporter focused on misinformation, Guardian US
John Nichols – National Affairs Correspondent, The Nation
Alex Shephard – Editor, The New Republic
Prem Thakker – political reporter, The Intercept

On our radar:

The intensity of rhetoric and cross-border attacks between Israel and the Lebanese group Hezbollah have raised fears of an all-out war. Producer Tariq Nafi has been following messages from both sides.

Hunterbrook: hedge fund or newsroom?

A new style of financial journalism has emerged that is blurring the line between reporting and profit. Meenakshi Ravi reports on Hunterbrook Media, a New York-based company known for its “research and trading” strategy.

William Cohan – Editorial Advisor, Hunterbrook
Kate Duguid – Capital Markets Correspondent, Financial Times
Felix Salmon – Chief Financial Correspondent, Axios

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