European tourist destinations get creative to encourage better tourist behaviour

A representative image shows a tourist taking a photo of the view. — Unsplash

Some popular tourist destinations are getting creative and using unique strategies to encourage tourists to adopt better behavior during their visit.

Recently, countries such as the Netherlands, Greece and Spain have witnessed mass demonstrations against overtourism which has led to an increase in rents.

Japan has also repeatedly expressed concern about overtourism and has even blocked the view of Mount Fiji so that tourists could not break traffic rules, pollute the area or cause disturbances while taking photos of the view.

However, some countries frequently visited by tourists seem to have cracked the code to ensure that they are environmentally sustainable and that tourists do not cause unwanted chaos during their stays. Daily Express reported.

Free stuff

In Denmark's capital Copenhagen, a system called “CopenPay” rewards tourists with free food and activities if they are environmentally friendly.

Describing the plan, Kristijan Svajnzger, Regional General Manager for Northern Eastern Europe at Intrepid Travel, said: “This is a great way to educate and reward people who are doing the right thing rather than penalising people who are doing the wrong thing when it comes to sustainability.”

Visitors can earn rewards by helping to pick up litter, using public transport and getting around town by bike.

Commitment to tourism

In Iceland and New Zealand, tourists are asked to take an online “tourist pledge” in which they agree to behave responsibly.

Iceland even has a motto: “When nature calls, I will not answer its call.”

Similar measures have also been adopted in the United Kingdom.

Krissy Roe, a senior sustainability manager at a UK tour operator, revealed that her company is offering £200 off holidays to returning guests if they travel by train.

She said: “We are also seeing more and more hotels and destinations around the world rewarding their guests for 'greener' behaviour, a welcome trend.”


In the Alps, some regions offer tourists a 25% discount on ski passes if they travel by train.

Mas Pelegri, an eco-friendly hotel in Girona, Spain, is offering guests a £50 discount when travelling by train.

Some hotel owners have warned that public transport infrastructure in Europe will need to be strengthened to accommodate the growing number of people travelling by train.

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