Dutch anti-Muslim leader Geert Wilders will not be prime minister despite winning election, here's why

“The love for my country and my voters is great and more important than my own position,” Wilders said.

Dutch far-right politician Geert Wilders attends the Schiphol court complex. —Reuters/File

Dutch populist figure Geert Wilders, leader of the Freedom Party (PVV), has decided to drop out of the race for prime minister, although his party has won a significant victory in the 2023 elections. bbc reproached

In a statement issued on X, Wilders said: “I can only become Prime Minister if ALL coalition parties support it. That was not the case.”

And he added: “I would like a right-wing cabinet. Less asylum and immigration. The Dutch are 1. The love for my country and my voters is great and more important than my own position. I love NL.”

Although the PVV emerged as the largest party in the Dutch elections, it had to form a coalition with other parties. The dialogue with the VVD (right and center), the NSC (New Social Contract) and the BBB (BBB farmers' parties) has apparently reached a dead end.

According to Wilders, a right-wing cabinet that resolves immigration and asylum problems is his priority rather than his personal ambitions. He stated that he is serving his country, not himself.

Despite their attempts, discussions with the other parties did not reach a consensus and a parliamentary debate on the issue is expected to be held on Wednesday.

In another tweet, Wilders said: “And don't forget: I will remain Prime Minister of the Netherlands. With the support of even more Dutch people. If not tomorrow, then the day after tomorrow. Because the voices of millions of Dutch people will be heard!”

The decision of the Dutch politician at the age of 60 is not only limited to Dutch politics, but also raises echoes throughout the European Union, due to the position of the Netherlands as a founding member of the EU. The decision of the parliamentary debate is going to be a crucial factor in determining the future prime minister and remains to be known.

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