Donald Trump's son Barron will graduate next month, but his father could miss out

Donald Trump's hush money trial could ruin Barron's graduation.

The highly anticipated “hush money” trial of former US President Donald Trump began Monday amid an atmosphere of drama and uncertainty.

Although the day ended without a jury being selected, further delaying the already complicated proceedings, the former president learned that he might miss the graduation of his youngest son, Barron.

According The list, Barron, Trump's son he shares with his wife Melania, will graduate from Oxbridge Academy, his private high school near Mar-a-Lago, on May 17.

Trump's lawyers on Monday requested that the court be adjourned for the day so the 2024 Republican presidential candidate can attend his son's graduation ceremony.

However, New York Supreme Court Judge Juan Merchán gave an ambiguous answer, stating that it would depend on the progress of the trial.

Trump interpreted Merchan's response as a denial and expressed his displeasure to the press after the court adjourned for the day.

“It looks like the judge won't let me go to the graduation of my son, who has worked very, very hard,” Trump said.

“He's a great student and he's very proud of the fact that he did so well and he was waiting for years to graduate with his mom and dad there, and it looks like the judge won't let me escape this scam. It's a scam trial. “.

Trump continued to criticize his hush money trial as a calculated move to thwart his third presidential campaign.

“That I can't go to my son's graduation, that I can't go to the Supreme Court of the United States, that I'm not in Georgia, Florida or North Carolina campaigning like I should… it's perfect for radical Democrats.” on the left,” he said.

There's always the chance that Trump will be present at his son's college graduation.

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