Donald Trump defeats Nikki Haley in South Carolina primary

“Let's look Joe Biden straight in the eyes, […] and we're going to say, 'Get out, Joe, you're fired,'” Trump says.

Republican presidential candidate and former US President Donald Trump hosts a South Carolina Republican presidential primary election night party in Columbia, South Carolina, the United States, on February 24, 2024. – Reuters

Former President and Republican candidate Donald Trump won the South Carolina primary on Saturday, defeating Nikki Haley and continuing his winning streak as he moves toward a third presidential nomination and a rematch with Democratic President Joe Biden. Reuters reported.

Despite his several court cases and Haley's status as a South Carolina native and two-term governor, the former president was widely favored to win the southern state.

According ReutersTrump rose between 60.0% and 39.4%, from the estimated 83% of the expected votes cast.

“40% is not a small group,” Haley said, referring to her approximate percentage of votes on Saturday. “There are a large number of voters in our Republican primaries who say they want an alternative.”

Trump has won the five previous races in Nevada, the U.S. Virgin Islands, Iowa, New Hampshire and now Haley's home state, leaving his opponent without a clear path to the Republican nomination.

Shortly after polls closed, Trump gave his victory speech in Columbia, the state capital.

He made no mention of Haley's focus solely on the Nov. 5 election, in which a rematch between Trump and Biden is now more likely than ever.

“We're going to look Joe Biden square in the eyes, he's destroying our country, and we're going to say, 'Get out, Joe, you're fired,'” he told his supporters.

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