DNC speakers Obama, Clinton and Jeffries draw analogies to Trump

So what is former President Trump like? Speakers at the Democratic National Convention have some ideas, and this week they've offered plenty of comparisons and one-liners.

Neighbor with a leaf blower

Former President Obama, speaking at the convention in Chicago on Tuesday night, compared the 45th president to a noisy neighbor:

“The childish nicknames, the crazy conspiracy theories, and the weird obsession with crowd sizes. The story goes on. The other day, I heard someone compare Trump to the neighbor who runs the leaf blower outside your window every day, every minute.

“For a neighbor, that is exhausting. For a president, it is simply dangerous.”

Ex boyfriend

House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries of New York drew laughter Wednesday with this comparison:

“Donald Trump is like an old boyfriend you broke up with, but he doesn’t want to leave. He’s spent the last four years beating around the bush trying to get back in touch with the American people. Bro, we broke up with you for a reason.”

communist dictator

Republican commentator Ana Navarro, noting Tuesday that Trump has called Vice President Kamala Harris a communist, said, “I fled communist Nicaragua when I was 8 years old.” The experience, she said, taught her a thing or two about dictators:

“Let me tell you what communist dictators do, and it is never just for one day. They attack the free press, they call them enemies of the people, [Daniel] Ortega does in Nicaragua.

“They put their unqualified relatives in cushy government jobs so they can enrich themselves from their positions, like the Castros do in Cuba. And they refuse to accept legitimate elections when they lose and call for violence to stay in power, like the Castros do in Cuba. [Nicolas] What is Maduro doing right now in Venezuela? Now tell me something: do any of those things sound familiar to you?

Bad boss

Senator Richard J. Durbin of Illinois told the convention on Monday that Trump's record is defined by failure:

“Put another way, Donald Trump is like a bad boss.

“You want time off to care for your sick parents. Ask Donald Trump: he gets denied it. In Donald Trump’s America, there is no paid family leave. You want to have a child but need IVF? Too bad. That’s closed too.”

“Do you want a raise? Too bad, the boss just gave himself one, so you have nothing left to give. Trump reminds us of a boss we all had. The guy who thinks he’s a very stable genius but is running the company into the ground.”

Operatic tenor

Then, on Wednesday night, former President Clinton called Trump a narcissist, evoking the image of a tenor warming up before the opera: “trying to open his lungs singing me, me, me, me, me, me.”

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