Could Haiti be on the verge of collapse? | humanitarian crises

Gangs control the capital, aid is blocked and the political transition has stalled.

People in Haiti are bracing for more violence, weeks after powerful gangs launched an offensive to overthrow the government.

Food is running out, essential goods are scarce, and nothing is entering or leaving the capital.

The United Nations warns that more than a million people are on the brink of famine.

There is basically no government and plans to establish a transitional government council have caused disputes and controversies.

So how can Haiti overcome this crisis? Is foreign participation helping or fueling instability?

Presenter: Hashem Ahelbarra


Jean Eddy Saint Paul: founding director of the Institute of Haitian Studies at the City University of New York and professor of sociology at Brooklyn College.

Emmanuela Douyon – Executive Director of Haitian think tank Policite and social justice activist

John Packer – Director of the Center for Human Rights Education and Research at the University of Ottawa; He has advised the UN on numerous peace processes around the world, including Haiti.

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