Could Ethiopia and Somalia go to war? | Politics News

Mogadishu says an agreement to give Addis Ababa access to the sea in Somaliland is a violation of its sovereignty.

An agreement between Ethiopia and a separatist part of Somalia is increasing tension in the Horn of Africa.

Somalia considers Somaliland part of its territory and has warned Ethiopia not to interfere in its affairs. But Ethiopia is landlocked and wants access to the sea, something Somaliland can provide.

Regional blocs are trying to mediate, but neither side is willing to back down.

So how will this dispute play out? And is war a possibility?

Presenter: Elizabeth Puranam


Kemal Hashi Mohamoud – Member of the Ethiopian parliament

Matt Bryden: Strategic advisor at Sahan Research, a policy think tank covering the Horn of Africa.

Abdi Aynte – Former Somali Minister of the Ministry of Planning, Investment and Economic Development

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