Chinese report paints a grim picture of the human rights situation in the US.

The image shows African Americans protesting. —HRW/Archive
  • Human rights situation deteriorates in the United States: report.
  • Report seeks concrete measures by the US government.
  • Highlights African Americans face racial discrimination.

BEIJING: The human rights situation in the United States continued to deteriorate in 2023 and become increasingly polarized, according to a Chinese report on Wednesday.

According XinhuaChina's State Council Information Office released the Report on Human Rights Violations in the United States in 2023, revealing the deteriorating human rights situation in the United States with facts and figures.

The report sought concrete measures by the US government against human rights problems and to respond to public expectations and international concerns.

“While a ruling minority exercises political, economic and social dominance, the majority of ordinary people are increasingly marginalized and their basic rights and freedoms are ignored,” he said.

The report, noting that civil and political rights in the US have been reduced to mere words, drew attention to other problems including gun violence, partisan fighting, police brutality and the ineffective police accountability system. , mass incarceration and forced labor, political violence. polarization, electoral manipulation and decreased government credibility.

Highlighting that African Americans face serious racial discrimination and inequality in fields such as law enforcement and health care, the report says that “the chronic disease of racism persists.”

He added that they have faced extreme discrimination and that their rights are constantly violated, and that “racist ideology is spreading virulently in the United States and crossing borders.”

The report further says that the poor face extreme difficulties in their lives due to growing economic and social inequality, adding that Washington has refused to ratify the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights.

The United States has also not ratified the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women and the Convention on the Rights of the Child, the report notes, warning that there have been persistent violations of the rights of women and children.

Speaking of immigrants, the Chinese report says that U.S. politicians have “abandoned the rights and well-being of immigrants.”

“In the United States, human rights are essentially a privilege enjoyed only by a few. The country's various human rights problems seriously threaten and hinder the healthy development of the global cause of human rights,” the report says.

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