Can the world's highest court stop Israel's offensive in Rafah? | Israel's war against Gaza News

Israel refutes South Africa's accusation that its military campaign in Gaza is a genocidal act against Palestinians.

In its latest appeal, South Africa has asked the United Nations' top court to take urgent action to order a halt to the Israeli attack on Rafah.

Since early this month, Israeli forces have been attacking the southern city where more than 1.5 million Palestinians had taken refuge after fleeing other parts of Gaza.

Hundreds of thousands are forced to flee again. Israel says its operation is limited and aims to attack the last Hamas stronghold in Rafah.

South Africa calls it a genocidal act.

The International Court of Justice (ICJ) has ordered some interim measures since South Africa first brought a case in January.

But Israel has largely ignored them.

So can the ICJ enforce its orders? And will their decisions make any difference besides affecting world opinion?


Elizabeth Puranam


Toby Cadman, international human rights lawyer.

Nour Odeh, political analyst

Robbie Sabel, professor of international law at the Hebrew University.

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