Can Benjamin Netanyahu resist the revolt against his leadership? | Israel's war against Gaza News

In Israel, calls for the resignation of the Israeli prime minister are becoming louder.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is under increasing pressure, both from politicians within his own government and from world leaders who are increasingly uncomfortable with the growing death toll and destruction of Israel's war. in Gaza.

The prime minister faces growing domestic pressure to secure the release of Israeli hostages captured during the Hamas-led attack on Israel in October that triggered the Israeli assault on Palestinian territory.

Netanyahu has long been a controversial leader. His government's plans to reform the judiciary sparked months of widespread protests last year.

On Saturday, thousands of people demonstrated across the country to demand elections now.

Netanyahu has rejected demands to bring the elections forward from their scheduled 2026 date.

Can Netanyahu be overthrown? And is the war in Gaza continuing to try to stay in power?


Adrian Finighan


Oren Ziv – Journalist and commentator for +972 magazine

Thabet Abu Rass – Co-CEO, Abraham Initiatives

Akiva Eldar – Political analyst and journalist

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