California Senator Laphonza Butler on Trump, Gaza and its future

Sen. Laphonza Butler (D-Calif.), whom Gov. Gavin Newsom appointed last year to fill the late Dianne Feinstein's seat, has been in Congress for just over 100 days. Ahead of her first formal Senate speech on Wednesday, she spoke to The Times about what she hopes to accomplish before leaving office early next year.

Butler, who has said he will not run for reelection, talked about the 2024 presidential race, why he hasn't called for a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip, California's waning power in Congress and what his future might look like. politician after he leaves the Senate.

This transcript has been condensed and edited for clarity.

You are a junior senator in a body of 100 in a larger branch of government with over 500 legislators. In Congress it is very difficult even a group of people to achieve anything. What do you think you can realistically achieve during his tenure as sole legislator??

I appreciate the reality of the framework you're offering and I'm not naïve to that reality. The goal will always be to pass meaningful legislation and I am realistic about the time frame I have to implement it. But if what I can do is create a model for my colleagues to elevate the conversation to focus on the governance of those who will be in charge of leading our democracy, then I think that will be significant. If I can elevate, if not pass legislation, if I can elevate the conversation, to me that will be significant.

Are they working across the aisle to make this happen? Then, whom are you working with?

I'm looking forward to working with colleagues on the other side of the spectrum. I've had conversations with many of them, from Senator Katie Britt of Alabama on mental health issues to Sen. [Marsha] Tennessee's Blackburn on the crisis facing foster youth. I think there is an opportunity to really do meaningful work across both parties and we need to be urgent about it.

Something your party has been hometerVoting rights and reproductive rights participate in the electoral campaign. Are you interested in moving forward with that? If so, what have you done, what can you do, and what will you do?

I am, and you know, it's one of the reasons I asked [Senate Majority Leader Charles E.] Schumer will continue to serve on the Judiciary Committee. If we are truly going to face the future of our democracy, it has to be one that promotes the ideals of our democracy: one person, one vote; protect a free and independent press, ensuring that the freedoms and desires we once thought protected in our Constitution are restored.

It is the critical element in restoring young people's confidence that the government can work on their behalf. I chair the Judiciary Committee's subcommittee on the Constitution, and so continuing to raise these issues and conversation through hearings and other convenings will be an incredibly important way to keep these issues of democracy and freedom at the forefront.

Is there anything other than passing laws that you can do as a senator?

The incredible power of a legislator and particularly of the United States senator is the power of the pulpit and the power of convocation. I think the opportunities we have to deepen the conversation and elevate the narrative of the change that is needed are incredibly powerful tools. And being able to use this platform and this pulpit to have conversations with people who may not have been included or who may have been excluded in the past is one of the tools that we will have to implement in this short period of time. that we are going to be in the Senate.

Is there anything about Washington you didn't know before coming here or anything you want Californians to know?

I think the beautiful thing about California is the diversity of our state. We are, you know, the largest community on X, fill in the blank, outside of Y, fill in the blank. This is true for the largest community of Palestinians outside of Palestine. The largest community of Armenians outside of Armenia. The largest community of Chinese outside of China. The largest Jewish community outside of Israel. And the beauty of living and experiencing that beauty and that diversity.

I think what I would say to Californians is: Don't let anyone turn that into a weakness. We have to continue to amplify what makes our country and our state special. And that's how we have to choose together to solve our biggest challenges.

California is an authentic demonstration of the journey between [Proposition] 187 and the approval of legislation in Sacramento to include the undocumented [people] in health coverage. And that's why I think it's a beautiful journey. I think it really honors who we are as Californians. [and] It is a great example of what we have been and can be as Americans. And for me, that's the part of the story I wanted to tell the rest of the country.

Do you think the loss of seniority in Congress with the death of Senator Dianne Feinstein and the ouster of the former speaker of the House of Representatives Kevin McCarthy Has it or will it result in gains or losses for Californians?

California is the fifth largest economy in the world and is a state of 40 million Americans. It is not a place that can be considered lightly. And when you have an icon like Dianne Feinstein, who you know has worked for over 30 years at an institution that values ​​seniority, of course, that's something we have to work on.

Both I and Senator Alex Padilla are newer in terms of seniority, and our colleagues in Congress also have a mix of tenure and service. But what drives us is the people of California. What keeps us relevant as we engage in many different policy areas is the scope and scale of our state. And so we have to continue to advance that and lead with that as the delegation regains its seniority.

What do you think of polls showing President Biden trailing former President Trump if they face each other in an election? Is this a harbinger of what could come? Do you think it's too early to say?

Yes, it's early. Yes. Polls are a snapshot in time and the United States – the American people – is a complete people. They lead entire lives and they need us as government and elected officials to speak up and address not only the challenges they face today, but also offer a vision for what we are going to do to improve those things. .

Why haven't you called for a ceasefire in Gaza? Do you think it makes sense for a senator to ask for a ceasefire or not?

I never want my voice to be used to dehumanize any Californian or American. We can both recognize that the atrocities of October 7 were horrific and that Israel has the right to defend itself while honoring the humanity of innocent Palestinian lives that are being used as a political pawn by a terrorist organization. [Hamas]. So, for me, I want to use my time, energy, and attention to make sure we are advocating for a permanent solution. And I do not want to continue language that further divides our party, our communities, or our country.

What language is dehumanizing language?

For some, that is ceasefire language and for others [it] These are other words and phrases that have been used in this context. For me, I want to focus on what is the solution we can implement now and in the future to achieve both goals.

WHOmeter Are you going to support the California Senate race?

The answer is [none] of the previous ones. The answer is to do the work of 40 million Californians while I have the responsibility to do it.

Do you plan to run for any public office in California or elsewhere once you're done in the Senate?

I hope to live a long life of public service and I tell my daughter to never say never. And this is how I answer that question. I never say never and I have no idea what I will do after this.

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