British-Pakistani opera singer receives praise from King Charles

British Pakistani Sufi opera star Saira Peter. — APP/File

ISLAMABAD: British-Pakistani Sufi opera star Saira Peter has received a special letter of thanks from Buckingham Palace for her recording of the British national anthem 'God Save the King' following the coronation of King Charles III.

Upon receiving the recording, performed in the soprano vocal range, the King sent Saira a letter conveying his good wishes and his most sincere thanks for her public services, including a photo card signed by him and Queen Camilla.

Created at the request of the UK government offices at Hastings Town Hall, East Sussex, the recording is used across the region for official government events, including citizenship ceremonies, according to a press release.

It follows Saira's performance of 'God Save the Queen' recorded in 2018, also at the request of the government, making her the first Asian and only Pakistani to receive this honour.

That recording also led to a personal letter of thanks from the late Queen.

Saira Peter, a woman of many firsts – Pakistan's first opera singer, the world's first Sufi opera singer and the first Asian to record the British national anthem – continues to make waves as she continues to push Pakistan's image higher and higher. on the world stage.

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