Beggar woman who used witchcraft arrested in Dubai

Representational image. — Reuters/Archive

Dubai police arrested an Asian woman for begging. Gulf News reported, but what stood out about her was her use of witchcraft.

After her arrest, the police recovered witchcraft talismans from the woman. Authorities believe that the woman used this profession to influence people from whom she took money.

Brig Ali Salem Al Shamsi, director of Dubai Police's suspects and criminal phenomena department, said: “The beggar woman was arrested in a residential area and police found in her possession 'papers, tools, witchcraft talismans and magic veils.' . which she wears while she begs. She believes that they help her influence people to give her the money she wants.”

Khaleej Times He reported that the woman was detained after a resident complained to the police Command and Control Center.

The police officer urged the public to refrain from showing sympathy towards the beggars and asked them to remain alert and not fall victim to their schemes. He added that beggars manipulate people more during Ramadan.

Dubai police last week detained a man who was wearing an abaya, clothing worn by Muslim women to cover themselves, and begging near a mosque.

The young man, who was arrested by police, said he chose to wear an abaya because female beggars often receive more sympathy compared to their male counterparts.

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