Austrian heiress lets strangers decide fate of $27 million inheritance

Marlene Engelhorn is a strong advocate for wealth redistribution. — AFP/Archive

An Austrian heiress, Marlene Engelhorn, who inherited millions of euros from her grandmother, has asked strangers to decide the fate of her hereditary estate valued at $27 million.

After inheriting money from her grandmother, Traudl Engelhorn-Vechiatto, who died in September 2022, Marlene sent requests to 50 randomly selected Austrian citizens to help distribute her wealth, the newspaper reported. New York Times.

In response, the group “Good Counsel for Redistribution” has shared its plan with the heiress for how she can redistribute wealth. Business Insider mentioned in a report.

He suggested giving the money to 77 charities over several years. These charitable initiatives include women's shelter associations, children's charities, and climate crisis organizations.

Most of the wealth went to environmental organizations Naturschutzbund Osterreich, with other potential beneficiaries including the World Inequality Lab, Reporters Without Borders and Catholic Charity Caritas.

The 50 people chosen for the decision met over six weekends and held meetings with experts from different areas, including those in poverty research and law, among others.

All of these participants received travel tickets and child care.

Marlene is a strong advocate for wealth redistribution. In the past, she was in favor of the inheritance tax becoming law.

In a statement clarifying her position, Marlene said: “A large portion of my inherited wealth, which elevated me to a position of power simply by virtue of my birth, contradicting all democratic principles, has now been redistributed in accordance with democratic values. “.

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