Armed robbers rob Buddhist monks at Brooklyn temple

The robbery occurred at the Rugby Road temple in Brooklyn.—New York Post

In a harrowing incident on Sunday afternoon, a Buddhist temple in Brooklyn became the target of a robbery in which a group of monks were confronted at gunpoint by three perpetrators, the New York Post reported.

The attackers forced their way into the Watt Samakki-Dhammikaram Buddhist temple in Flatbush through the back door around 2:30 p.m. and found four monks inside.

During the confrontation, one of the suspects brandished a gun while the others confiscated the monks' personal belongings and cash.

The exact amount of money stolen and the items taken are still unclear. The robbers quickly fled on foot, heading north on Rugby Road, the NYPD said.

Fortunately, no injuries were reported in the incident. So far no arrests have been made and the investigation continues. The authorities were present at the scene throughout Sunday afternoon.

The temple, which primarily serves the Cambodian community in New York and New Jersey, was acquired in 1987, according to its website.

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