Are Israel and Hezbollah on the brink of a full-blown war? | TV shows

Tensions between the Israeli army and the Lebanese armed group Hezbollah are at an all-time high.

They have been participating in low-level hostilities for more than eight months.

However, Israel's assassination of one of Hezbollah's top commanders last week has sparked an escalation.

US President Joe Biden sent a special envoy to the region in hopes of calming tensions and avoiding a broader conflict.

But has it worked?

And with no sign that the Israeli military is close to ending its war in Gaza, is it about to open a second front in the north?

Presenter: Neave Barker


Nicholas Noe – Editor in Chief of, based in Beirut

Robert Geist Pinfold – Professor of Peace and Security at Durham University

Mohanad Hage Ali – Deputy Director of Research at the Malcolm H Kerr Carnegie Middle East Center

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