Alkali attack suspect found drowned in River Thames, police confirm

Elements of the Maritime Police Unit of the Metropolitan Police searched for the body. – Metropolitan Police

The suspect in the harrowing alkali attack, Abdul Ezedi, has been confirmed dead.

The Metropolitan Police revealed that Ezedi's lifeless body was recovered from the River Thames on Monday, ending the intense manhunt that followed the horrific assault in Clapham last month.

The victim, a mother of two who suffered a corrosive chemical attack along with her eight- and three-year-old children, is now in stable condition and no longer sedated, according to the latest police update.

Commander Jon Savell expressed a continued commitment to investigating the appalling attack, saying: “As the public would expect, our inquiries continue into this appalling attack. We have not yet been able to speak to her but hope to do so as soon as she is sufficiently recovered.” “.

Ezedi's body, discovered near Tower Bridge at Tower Pier, underwent a post-mortem examination and formal identification was completed on Thursday. The Metropolitan Police said a file will be handed over to the coroner, marking a significant step towards closing this distressing chapter.

The suspect, from the Newcastle area, committed the assault on January 31, throwing a burning chemical substance on the woman and injuring one of the children. The subsequent manhunt involved tracking Ezedi's movements via CCTV footage, which eventually revealed his tragic end in the River Thames.

As the investigation continues, the Metropolitan Police continues its relentless pursuit of justice, aiming to shed light on the motives behind this horrific alkaline attack.

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