Alexei Navalny's wife warns Putin about revenge after her husband's death

Alexei Navalny's wife Navalnaya says: “We cannot trust Putin and Putin's government. They always lie”

Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny hugs his wife Yulia on October 16, 2013 (left) and Yulia Navalnaya attends the Munich Security Conference (MSC) in Munich, Germany, February 16, 2024. Reuters

Yulia Navalnaya, wife of Kremlin critic Alexei Navalny, says Russian President Vladimir Putin and his associates will face repercussions if Navalny's death, announced by the Russian prison service, is confirmed. Reuters reported.

Speaking at the Munich Security Conference, Navalnaya expressed skepticism about the news, citing distrust in Russian government sources.

“We cannot trust Putin and Putin's government. They always lie,” Navalnaya said, solemn and through tears.

Alexei Navalny and his wife Yulia look on during a support rally in central Moscow on September 6, 2013. —Reuters
Alexei Navalny and his wife Yulia look on during a support rally in central Moscow on September 6, 2013. —Reuters

“But if this is true, I want Putin, his entire entourage, Putin's friends, his government to know that they will be responsible for what they did to our country, to my family, to my husband. And this day will come very soon “. “.

He highlights that the Putin regime, known for its dishonesty, will be held accountable for its actions against his family and his country.

Navalnaya urges international unity against what she denounces as Russia's “horrible regime,” insisting on personal responsibility for atrocities committed in recent years.

He called on the international community to unite against what he called Russia's “horrible regime.”

“Both this regime and Vladimir Putin must take personal responsibility for all the terrible things they have been doing to my country, to our country, Russia, in recent years,” he said.

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