'Absolute priority': UN agencies must work unhindered in Gaza, says G7 | UNRWA News

The United Nations Palestinian Refugee Agency (UNRWA) must be allowed to work unhindered in Gaza, Group of Seven (G7) leaders say as rich nations conclude the second day of their annual summit in Italy.

“We agree that it is essential that UNRWA and other UN agency organizations and delivery networks are fully capable of delivering aid to those who need it most, fulfilling their mandate effectively,” the G7 nations said in their final statement.

They called on all parties to facilitate the “rapid and unhindered passage of humanitarian aid to civilians in need” in Gaza, particularly women and children.

“Ensure full, rapid, safe and unhindered humanitarian access in all its forms, in accordance with international humanitarian law and through all relevant land border points, including the Rafah crossing, through maritime delivery routes, including The port of Ashdod throughout Gaza remains a priority. an absolute priority.”

UNRWA, which coordinates almost all aid to Gaza, has been repeatedly attacked by Israel since the war in Gaza began on October 7.

In their statement, the G7 leaders reiterated their concern about the “unacceptable number of civilian casualties” in the war. They again supported a truce and an agreement to release captives.

“We are deeply concerned about the consequences for civilians of the ongoing ground operations in Rafah and the possibility of a large-scale military offensive that would have even more dire consequences for civilians. We call on the government of Israel to refrain from such an offensive,” he stated.

“We condemn the rise in extremist settler violence committed against Palestinians, which undermines security and stability in the West Bank and threatens prospects for lasting peace.”

International charity Oxfam reacted to the G7 statement by saying: “Israel and its G7 allies must move from words to action, implement their proposals, withdraw Israeli forces from Gaza and end the occupation. Hopes must come true, the time for talking has passed.”

“Crucial moment in history”

On Friday, G7 nations focused their attention on migration, artificial intelligence, economic security and the Asia-Pacific region. Its leaders emphasized their determination to confront global challenges “at a crucial moment in history.”

The meeting at a luxury resort in the Puglia region of southern Italy also discussed other important issues, such as financial support for Ukraine, climate change, Iran, the situation in the Red Sea, equality gender and China's industrial policy and economic security.

“We are working together and with others to address the pressing challenges of our time,” the final statement said.

Migration was the first topic of discussion on Friday, as leaders reflected on ways to combat trafficking and increase investment in countries from where refugees and migrants undertake often life-threatening journeys.

The issue is of particular interest to summit host Italy, which is on one of the main routes to the European Union for people fleeing war and poverty in Africa, the Middle East and Asia.

Right-wing Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, known for her hardline stance on migration, has been eager to increase investment and financing for African nations as a means of reducing migration pressure on Europe.

The leaders “launched the G7 Coalition to Prevent and Counter Migrant Smuggling,” the summit's final declaration said, noting that the seven nations would “focus on the root causes of irregular migration, efforts to improve the management of borders and stop transnational organized crime, and safe and regular routes for migration.”

In addition to the G7 nations (Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom and the United States), the Italian hosts also invited several African leaders (Algerian President Abdelmadjid Tebboune, Kenyan President William Ruto and Tunisian President Kais Saied) to pressure Meloni. migration and development initiatives.

But human rights groups denounced what they said was a lack of ambition in supporting developing countries.

The ONE Campaign, which advocates for investment in Africa, said it had found that the share of G7 and European Union aid going to Africa was at its lowest point since 1973.

“Without any concrete action, the G7 in Italy is nothing more than useless platitudes,” said David McNair, executive director of the ONE Campaign. Although the summit's final declaration “reflects promises of greater partnership between the G7 and Africa, there are very few details on what new funding, if any, will be available.”

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