A playful act in front of a Brooklyn store costs a friend his life

The shooter left the scene after staying with his friend for a while, according to investigators.

Members of the New York City Police Department gather at the entrance to the Museum of Modern Art (MOMA) after an alleged multiple stabbing incident, in New York. — Reuters/Archive

The New York Police Department said a person shot and killed his 36-year-old friend outside a store in Brooklyn by mistake, as the suspect considered the act an attempted robbery by the deceased who was jokingly trying to take from him. the shopping bags to the shooter. .

The incident took place on Sutter Avenue, where the shooter later realized he had shot his friend Francis in the chest. The suspect later called 911 and apologized.

Authorities said there have been no arrests so far.

Police said the incident began as some sort of misunderstanding. Police officers revealed that the shooter was outside the store holding two plastic bags when Francis playfully grabbed them, but the suspect thought there was an attempted robbery and opened fire.

After a 911 call, the shooter said, “I didn't know it was you, I'm so, so sorry.”

The shooter left the scene after staying with his friend for a while, according to investigators.

NYPD Chief of Detectives Joseph Kenny said, “At some point he hears the sirens and… he lets his friend die.”

Francis was taken to Brookdale University Hospital, where the cause of death was said to be cardiac arrest.

The deceased victim's aunt told the media that he was murdered a few blocks from where he lived with his mother.

“My sister got her heart broken,” Philips, 65, said of the victim's mother. “We're taking this very hard right now.”

“He was very outgoing,” Philips said. “He was very ambitious. That was his thing. He loved to work.”

Francisco had a four-year-old daughter, whom Philips described as Francisco's motivation.

“It was all because of her,” he said. “He loves his daughter.”

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