A new investigation is opened against Donald Trump amid four accusations

Donald Trump will face another investigation into campaign promises. — AFP

While candidates running for the White House are busy attracting voters and funding from their supporters across the country, a new investigation has been launched against former US President Donald Trump.

The investigation has been launched by Senate Democrats which is finding claims that Donald Trump offered US oil companies that if the giants supported him in his bid for the White House, he would reverse President Joe Biden's climate policies. , reported cnn.

The investigation was announced Thursday in a statement by the chairmen of the Senate Finance and Budget Committees.

The lawmakers' letters were also sent to the nine oil giants, including ExxonMobil and Chevron.

The research arises in response to Washington Post report earlier this month detailing the content of Mar-a-Lago's April fundraiser.

One person expressed frustration over climate change regulations. In response, Trump reportedly promised to eliminate the regulations in exchange for a $1 billion contribution.

The letter requested information in which the 77-year-old allegedly asked for $1 billion in exchange for reversing Joe Biden's climate policies.

“Time and time again, both Trump and the U.S. oil and gas industry have demonstrated that they are willing to sell out to Americans to line their pockets,” Sens. Ron Wyden of Oregon and Sheldon Whitehouse of Rhode Island said in a statement. Island.

Trump campaign spokeswoman Karoline Leavitt said cnn: “President Trump has the support of people who share his vision of American energy dominance to protect our national security and reduce the cost of living for all Americans.”

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