A girl's happy moment after multiple attempts to kiss the Kaaba

As Muslims around the world appreciate the holy month of Ramadan, many spend their time in Mecca and Medina while performing Umrah to make the most of the blessed period.

Recently, a little Umrah pilgrim won thousands of hearts when her video from the Grand Mosque of Mecca circulated on social media and netizens adored her cuteness and persistence in kissing the Holy Kaaba.

The video showed the young woman's continuous attempts to kiss the Kaaba in veneration of what is known as the most sacred thing in Islam, the House of Allah.

Dressed in a tiny abaya, a Muslim body covering, the little boy is seen running towards the Holy Kaaba while worshipers are restricted by a barrier sitting on the ground.

However, one of the security personnel tasked with regulating the flow of pilgrims and maintaining order sends the girl back to where her father was sitting among the pilgrims.

She then speaks to her father, who encourages her to make another attempt to reach the Holy Kaaba, but is intercepted by security personnel once again.

Undeterred, the little pilgrim continues her search until her persistence and devotion move the security personnel, who finally lift her up to help her kiss the Black Stone at the Kaaba.

The moving scene of the girl triumphing in her fight and returning to her father went viral on social media.

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