13 injured as residents trapped on balconies wait to be rescued

The fire broke out in a 14-story building in the eastern port city of Valencia, Spain. — AFP

A large fire broke out on Thursday in two buildings in Valencia, Spain. Families were stranded on their balconies, screaming for help, while firefighters battled the inferno.

The fire started in a high-rise building in the center of the city. Firefighters arrived quickly and everyone could see the flames from the windows. People were trapped on their balconies, waiting to be saved. Firefighters even used a large crane to rescue people from a balcony.

The fire quickly spread to an adjacent building, fueled by strong winds reported by the Spanish weather agency, Aemet, as reaching up to 40 mph.

Black smoke rose into the sky and could be seen from far away. About 13 people were injured, including six firefighters. They had problems such as fractures, burns and breathing smoke.

Emergency response teams were deployed, including soldiers from Spain's Military Emergency Unit. Doctors set up a treatment area at the site to treat injuries such as fractures, burns and smoke inhalation.

Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez expressed shock and solidarity through social media and promised assistance to the affected city.

“I am dismayed by the terrible fire that occurred in a building in Valencia. I want to convey my solidarity to all the people affected and recognition to all the emergency personnel already deployed at the scene,” he stated.

The Prime Minister wants to make sure the city gets all the help it needs.

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