Skyscanner presents Savvy Search, its innovative AI travel planning tool

Skyscanner has just launched its exclusive Savvy Search tool, an innovative addition to its arsenal of travel apps. By harnessing the immense power of AI and leveraging its vast database of over 18 million unique flight routes and a staggering 80 billion prices searched daily, Skyscanner aims to revolutionize the way travelers plan their adventures. .

Powered by Open AI's advanced Chat GPT technology, Savvy Search introduces a new level of convenience and personalization to travel planning. With just a few taps, users can express their travel wishes, whether it's a spontaneous getaway to Europe in October or a meticulously planned 30th birthday trip with specific nightlife and dining requirements.

What sets Savvy Search apart is its ability to generate up to three carefully selected destination recommendations tailored to each user's preferences. But the thing do not ends there. Unlike other AI-powered travel tools, Savvy Search goes further by integrating stunning images and detailed destination descriptions for each recommendation, allowing travelers to visualize their potential destinations in great detail.

Once users have found their ideal destination, Savvy Search seamlessly takes them to Skyscanner's flight search interface, where they can easily compare prices and find the perfect flight to suit their needs.

Piero Sierra, Chief Product Officer at Skyscanner, emphasizes the importance of AI in shaping the future of travel planning. He notes that while 44 percent of global travelers are already adopting AI to aid their travel research, adoption rates vary significantly between different markets. With Savvy Search, Skyscanner aims to empower travelers during the discovery phase of their journey, offering them a more intuitive and personalized way to explore the world.

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