Media One Hotel Dubai brings back its annual Ramadan shared refrigerators – Business Traveler

In an effort to continue giving back to the community through its Media One Hotel Cares program, the hotel will once again install its Ramadan Sharing refrigerators at its Dubai Media City location throughout the month of Ramadan.

This is the fifth year the annual initiative has been launched, and once again aims to help manual workers break their fast after a day of hard work in the surrounding communities, providing them with a small nutritious snack or refreshing drink until that they are able to enjoy an adequate and free meal.

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The Ramadan Sharing Fridges concept was first started by Australian expat Sumayyah Sayed in 2016, with an extra fridge she placed outside her home. She filled it and replenished it periodically with healthy drinks and snacks, such as fruits and dates, accompanied by a note for local workers to take what they needed and remember to leave some for others. The idea spread widely across Dubai and the United Arab Emirates, and has now become common practice for those seeking to help workers in their communities during Ramadan, known as the month of giving.

The Media One Hotel Ramadan shared refrigerator will be available at the hotel tower parking entrance from March 11 until the last day of Ramadan, and will be stocked by both the hotel and the surrounding community, including the building's tenants and those who work in the building. Items permitted in line with municipal health and safety regulations include bottled water, laban and soft drinks, as well as dried fruits, yogurt and biscuits in sealed containers; and due to the single-use and pre-packaged nature of the system, it is highly recommended to provide items in sustainable packaging. This is in line with Media One Hotel's commitment to eliminate single-use plastic containers and utensils year-round.

Donations can be arranged by calling their exclusive line at +971 52 670 6551.

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