KLM launches digital travel credential test on transatlantic flights – Business Traveler

KLM has launched a new transatlantic trial allowing passengers to have their personal information verified by border officials before arriving at Amsterdam Schiphol.

The Digital Travel Credential (DTC) trial invites eligible passengers on flights from Calgary, Edmonton, Toronto, Vancouver and Montreal to upload their passport information and face photo at home using an app, facilitating early checks by border control authorities.

Upon arrival at Schiphol, passengers pass through a dedicated DTC Tap & Go border gate. A facial scan shows the DTC and then participants hold their passports in front of the border gate reader.

As long as there is a coincidence and there are no irregularities, the passenger will be able to cross the border.

To participate in the trial, which will last until the end of March, customers must be over 18 years old and in possession of a Belgian, Dutch or Canadian passport.

The trial is being carried out by the Ministry of Justice and Security, the Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations and the National Identity Data Office in cooperation with the Royal Marechaussee of the Netherlands, Amsterdam Schiphol Airport, KLM and the technology provider IDEMIA.

The test involves the use of DTC1 technological standards issued by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), complementing the information on the passport's biographical page with “technical elements to establish that the information was indeed obtained from an authentic passport.”

KLM said the European Commission had requested that the test be carried out “to test the use of DTC in practice in the border process.”

The EU is currently developing policies for the use of a digital travel document, and KLM said that “as a logical continuation of online check-in at home, the pilot project examines how we can further innovate airport controls for boarding.” and border control.”

In late 2022, the International Air Transport Association (IATA) published industry standards designed to eliminate physical screening at airports.

The 'Admissibility Digitization Best Practice' aims to avoid stops at the check-in counter or boarding gate to check documents.

IATA publishes industry standards designed to eliminate physical controls at airports

Barry ter Voert, Chief Experience Officer (CXO) and Executive Vice President of Business Development at KLM, commented on the news:

“Every day we examine how we can make the passenger journey even more comfortable and enjoyable from start to finish. As an airline, KLM is responsible for passport controls as well as check-in and boarding.

“Digitalization provides the opportunity to make these checks faster and more efficient for our customers, starting from home. To do it correctly, laws and regulations are needed.

“That is why we are happy to participate in the trial carried out by the Dutch government so that we can share our experience and improve our services.”


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