Jungalow's Justina Blakeney shares her perfect Sunday in Los Angeles

As an artist, designer, creative director, and best-selling author, Justina Blakeney has always been intrigued by the power of mixing things up, particularly in Los Angeles.

While a global arts and cultures student at UCLA in 2001, Blakeney co-created a thesis project called Infinity Magazine that emphasized the hyperlocal diversity of Los Angeles.

In Sunday Funday, the people of Los Angeles tell us step by step their ideal Sunday in the city. Find ideas and inspiration on where to go, what to eat and how to enjoy life on the weekends.

“The topic was explored around the clock in Los Angeles,” says the 44-year-old author of “Jungalow: Decorate Wild.” “We visited different places in the city at different times of the day and night. We explored various cultural enclaves and interviewed people from different areas of the city, learning about the stories and flavors of different communities.”

When not designing home decor for her brand Jungalow and Target, or writing or creating products like she did for the 2023 Hollywood Bowl Jazz Festival, Blakeney still finds time to explore Los Angeles.

“My life is pretty hectic,” says Blakeney, who is a working mother. “I think anyone who runs a business and has kids understands how hard it is to juggle everything.”

So at the end of her work week, Blakeney's weekends focus on family and self-care. “Now that my daughter Ida is 11 years old, I have more time for myself. I always strive to be the best mom, designer, and leader. So I decided that she needed to make time for me.”

Here's what you'd do on an ideal Sunday in your Altadena neighborhood and around Los Angeles

7 a.m. Chase Falls in Eaton Canyon

I'm an early riser. I start the day with coffee and mushrooms, which I'll take on a hike to Eaton Canyon, where I like to take a long hike. Sometimes I walk to the waterfall but I don't get in the water.

Photographic illustration of a Polaroid image of a woman holding a sculpture with colorful shapes bordering the image from behind.

(Los Angeles Times photo illustration; Justina Blakeney)

9 a.m. Savings in Pasadena

I like to go to the Rose Bowl Flea Market on the second Sunday of the month or the Pasadena City College Flea, which takes place on the first Sunday of the month. If I go to the Rose Bowl, I go at 6 a.m. and focus on the furniture because later on it's very hot and crowded. If I'm with my niece, I'll cross the bridge and visit the vintage clothing stalls. Many of the same suppliers operate in both markets. PCC is free and has less furniture and more accessories and decorative objects.

I never leave empty handed. At the very least I will buy some rare plants, which are always reasonably priced at flea markets. There is an excellent selection and unique varieties to explore.

If there are no flea markets, I go to the Pasadena Antique Market in Fair Oak, although I often don't buy anything. It's like a visit to a museum. It gives me an idea of ​​what trends I can see, what's selling, and what's resonating with consumers. It's one of my passions because I love old things. And it's good research for my job to be aware of what's happening in Los Angeles.

11 am Purchase of incense at the Alexandria II bookstore

If I'm at the Pasadena Flea Market, I'll head to the Alexandria II Bookstore on Lake in Pasadena. It is a fantastic metaphysical store full of crystals, jewelry, tarot cards and books. They have the craziest collection of tarot cards (I really like them) and they have many books on alternative health and wellness. I can't help but leave with a crystal. The last time I was there, I bought an opalite ring as a gift. The store also has an amazing collection of incense. I am always burning incense and I like to select incense for my different moods. It's a really fun store. Ida loves it too.

1:00 p.m. Participate in a life drawing workshop.

I've been doing life drawing workshops with a group during the week, and on the weekends we all collaborate with a model and draw for a couple of hours at someone's house. I'm practicing life drawing with pastels and working on form. I've been painting a lot lately and it's very meditative, especially after COVID. [shutdown]. I enjoy making art in a community. It's inspiring and fun to look over my shoulder and see how my fellow artists interpret the poses. We can bounce off each other's energies: the energy of space and the energy of patterns because they are all very different. Life drawing has been a lot of fun for me. I'm obsessed with it. It's the perfect time for me.

3:30 pm Naked Self-Care at WI Spa in Westlake

Then I'll head to the WI Spa, a family affair for us. I've had Ida since they were little. We often meet three generations at the WI Spa. It's wonderful to go to the hot tub and shvitz, eat some Korean food, be in the community, and connect with my sister, my mom, and my son. We all love it. We will take turns rubbing and brushing each other's hair and enjoy our bodies. I think it's very sweet and cool to be naked with people of all ages and at different stages of life. Something is missing in our culture: it is considered shameful to be naked with other women. It's good for my soul. It feels like something humans have always done. I love that there is a place where you can connect around healthcare, water, and self-care. I find it healing.

Photographic illustration of a Polaroid image of a woman next to a pool with colorful shapes bordering the image from behind.

(Los Angeles Times photo illustration; Justina Blakeney)

6:30 pm They have likewim, dance, karaoke, trampoline party at home

After the spa, we will return to my house, where my husband Jason Rosencrantz, friends, and family will gather around the pool for dancing, karaoke, and fun on the trampoline. My whole family likes to dance and eat. It would be a bubbie or takeaway situation. My mom is Jewish and can bring five coolers of food and instantly prepare a three-course meal for a crowd. I don't know how she does it. I love cooking but not for so many people. My family and extended family are 25 to 30 people. There are too many for me. but not my mom [laughs]. She is the best. I feel very lucky to live in the same city with my parents and siblings. We enjoy getting together with our children.

9:30 pm Enjoy a nightly ritual by drawing an oracle card.

For my nightly ritual, I like to pull out one of my oracle cards. I have a few different decks. “Journey of Love” and “Sacred Rebels” by Alana Fairchild are among my favorites. They are magical. It's like a beautiful little prayer or meditation that sets a nice tone for my night.

22:00 Meditate Before going to bed

My therapist encouraged me to meditate, so I started with five minutes. I am a great doer; So action-oriented that it's hard to just sit back. So I took an online meditation class at InsightLA and it now lasts up to 25 minutes. I don't meditate when I hike but I have to prioritize one or the other during the week because I don't have time to do both. My walks are similar to my meditation. I can be in nature, clear my mind and be alone. That's another very important thing in my Sunday routine: spending time alone.

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