With a small child, a Shih Tzu and several chickens, actor Poppy Liu has a full house.
“I am raising so many beings,” said the “Hacks” star, who recently appeared in the Netflix “No Good Deed” series and will star alongside Tessa Thompson in the next series of The Streamer “His y Hery.”

On Sunday Funday, the people of Los Angeles give us a play per game of their ideal Sunday in the city. Find ideas and inspiration about where to go, what to eat and how to enjoy life on weekends.
“I love having chickens because it feels like eating eggs from my own backyard,” he explained. “I was really devastated when two of them were collected by the coyotes. I was concerned about the mental health of the third. It's like, 'at this point, you are my pet. I worry that you have depression. '”
When we talk, the hyperorganized Liu and Bullet Journal lover has already planned his perfect Sunday until the time. “I gathered a schedule,” he preferred. “I could usually do this in the course of two days, but I will do everything on a very ambitious Sunday.”
In a deviation from many of the other new parents interviewed for this column, Liu decided to imagine a perfect Sunday with “robust child care” that would largely spent alone. “My day would look really different if it were a full day with my little child,” he said. “It would be many of the parks we are going, the baby gym, the rest gardens and things like that. But I really decided to make my day alone because I really feel private about my little child, and I want to preserve all the parks we are going. I really like that we can be there, only both, a kind of incognito. “
On the agenda of the perfect solo Sunday of Liu? “Exciting” fruit, acupuncture and multiple sweet drinks.
This interview has been slightly edited and condensed by length and clarity.

8:30 am: Wake up with the baby
At this time, my baby is going through a little regression of sleep because it was out of the city for a moment. So now that I am back, they are very, very sticky, which I think is very nice, and so we have been asleep. They love waking up and then turning to look at me and simply hold my face in their little hands and say: “Mom.” You can see relief when they wake up; There is a moment of disorientation and then they turn around and they see me and say: “ah.” We just lay down on the pillow, just smiling [at each other].

10 am: window window while enjoying a fresh shake
On Figueroa Street in Highland Park, it is called a milkshake Tropical juice Where I love going to look for a green juice or some type of shake. And because Figueroa has a lot of small beautiful stores, I only get my little juice and path. I often go to Wilderness either The beagle bearded To go up. Kitchen mouse Is it there, it is good for coffee, breakfast and to meet a friend? Kitchen Book It has a good selection of wines, and there is a florist right next to Tropical Juice for when I get fresh flowers. It is a good street to walk.

10:30 am: personal training
Then I'm going to see my personal coach in South Pas Fitness. It is 10 minutes by car from Juice Place. His name is Nailah Jamerson; She is incredible. I have been seeing it for a year. In general, we only do weights, and if I see it twice in a week, I will make a day of the upper body and one day from the bottom of the body. When she asked me what my goals are, I thought: “I want them to tonify me, but I also want a huge butt. Like the fattest ass, the smallest waist.
11:30 am: Acupuncture recovery
Just after, I see my acupunturist, because I have trained, my muscles are sore and now I want to relax them. My acupuncture, whom I love, her name is Sau Sum and she is in Dear acupuncture of songs In Pasadena. She is so empathic and very intuitive too.
I feel it is a healer in the real sense. Every time I review all things: look at my tongue, check my pulse, look at my complexion, everything, but also mentally and emotionally [checks] Where I am too. Sometimes we will have two -hour sessions. She will acupuncture, suction cup, Moxa, which is the cigar [therapy incorporating burning mugwort] On points of cool. A week I lost [talk] Therapy and she ended up being my therapist. I was talking to her and ended up crying a lot. And I thought: “Oh, this is what I needed in therapy.”

1 PM: Quick bite in Amara Café
Right next to the place of my acupunturist in Pasadena is this really delicious Venezuelan place called Amara Café. They are a mamas and pop store. I didn't know what Venezuelan food was before [I started going here]But it's amazing. It is abundant but also a bit of sandwich, and there are many “things inside one thing you can have”, which I love. I don't even know the names of the dishes, but they have many photos there so you can say: “That looks incredible.” And they also have coffee. I like my milky and sweet coffee as a dessert. If I feel spicy, I will receive a coffee with milk, always with a non -lens milk. I want you to have a sweet taste, like a melted chocolate bar.

3 pm: Trek to Koreatown by fresh fruit
On this particular Sunday, I'm really craving fresh fruit, so I make a little walk to K-Town to go Co -With FruitWhat is this mother and pop fruit store with the most exciting and more mobile fruit: hairy, long. I do not love to eat dragon fruit, but it seems to me that it is beautiful. Sometimes my mother will get a sugar cane. Most Chinese or Asian fruits, there is only a nostalgia about them for me, and are always interesting and strangely.
7 PM: Cecco Bistro dinner
After all this, I'm going to Levant Bisto + Bake Shop In Silver Lake, which is an incredible Lebanese food that is also gluten free. (I am intolerant of gluten and I get Eczema if as gluten). I like having a really calm dinner. As I love a dinner in Spanish, if you want it, that only enters the night. I do not smoke cigarettes, but one in which you are smoking a proverbial cigarette and the wine flows. A quiet dinner is a minimum hour and a half, two hours.

9 PM: Cinema Night
After this, I go to AMC Atlantic Times Square To watch a movie. Is in a shopping center with a giant Daiso, So, while I am there, I will go for things that I need at home and small fun things. Daiso is like a Japanese dollar store, but that is not doing justice. You can get everything you need there, and everything is very nice. Daiso is where I am obtaining the Sweet-And-Sour Hi-Chews that I am cast in the cinema.
And then, while I am waiting for my movie to begin, I cross the street to Huge treewhich is a Taiwanese place, for a small snack. And then I also go down the street to Half and half For bubble tea. I like to get your kumquat tea, because I like it not super sweet. I have drums and aloe vera grass jelly, 50% sweet, normal ice. I love all the little chewable things there.

11:30 PM: Pour Puch before bedtime
After getting home, I'm rotting in Tiktok for an hour while the wind falls. Sometimes, on a good day, I read a little before bedtime, but it's much more fun to go to Tiktok. Recently I really saw this person who finds furniture in the street and restores it. Or nate the type of hoof, which cleans the hulls of cows and horses. Actually, it could be good for my nervous system, because I am seeing ASMR.