Dubai Duty Free sales reached $2.16 billion in 2023 – Business Traveler

Dubai Duty Free (DDF) recorded sales worth US$2.16 billion by 2023, representing an increase of 24.39 percent from the previous year and 6.4 percent from pre-division figures. 2019 pandemic.

DDF, which recently celebrated its 40th anniversary, recorded more than 20 million sales transactions throughout 2023, an average of 55,000 transactions daily.

He added that 55.2 million units of merchandise were sold last year.

The top five sales categories for 2023 were perfumes, followed by alcoholic beverages, gold, cigarettes and tobacco, and electronics.

With sales of $374 million, perfumes contributed 17 percent of total sales and maintained its position as the top-selling category.

Liquor sales reached US$310 million and accounted for 14 percent of total annual sales.

Meanwhile, gold recorded sales of $212 million and contributed 10 percent of total revenue.

Cigarettes and tobacco ranked fourth with sales amounting to US$204 million and accounted for 9.5 percent of total revenue, while electronics ranked fifth with sales worth US$172 million. million US dollars and accounted for 8 percent of DDF’s total annual sales.

Deconstructing the rise of travel retail in the Middle East

Departure sales across the entire operation reached $1.93 billion, representing 90 percent of its total annual sales, while Arrival sales totaled $168 million, representing 8 percent of total annual sales. total annual sales. Online sales accounted for 2 percent of its total sales figure for 2023 and reached $45 million.

In terms of top DDF sales source markets, India ranked first with sales of $266 million, followed by Russia with $208 million, China with $154 million, Saudi Arabia with $140 million and the UK in fifth place with US sales $102 million.

Colm McLoughlin, Executive Vice President and CEO, said: “We are delighted to have achieved our sales target for the year, a record month in December and a record year in 2023, culminating in our 40th anniversary celebrations.”

The total number of DDF employees now stands at 5,500. Current and future improvements to its operations include major refurbishment plans at Dubai International Airport (DXB) Concourse B, which will be completed early this year. Renovations of three Arrival stores will also be scheduled in the first quarter of 2024, with construction continuing until the second or third quarter of 2024. Concourse A (two perfume and cosmetics stores and the fashion area) will also be renovated starting from the second quarter of 2024 and will be ready in early or mid-2025 with three new boutiques of major fashion brands.

At the Business Traveler Middle East Awards 2023, Dubai Duty Free won the “Best Duty Free Shopping in the Middle East” award.

(Image: Provided by Dubai Duty Free)

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