Caprese at Shangri-La Bengaluru reveals new menu with stellar selection of dishes

Caprese at Shangri-La Bengaluru is launching an updated menu, featuring a range of innovative dishes and reimagined dining experiences. Starting with appetizers like the classic Caprese salad and Polpette Al Sugo, the menu features homemade pastas like Cavatelli with porcini mushroom and asparagus sauce, and Verdure Lasagna. Seafood lovers can savor Tortellie Polpa Di Granchio E Burro Al Limone, while artisanal, handmade pizzas like the Bismark offer a delight.

Main courses include culinary masterpieces like Porchetta Brasata and Stinco Di Agnello, while Come E Casa’s offerings embrace family-style traditions with dishes like Pollo Girarrosto Al Rosmarino E Limone. The dining experience concludes with artisanal ice creams and sorbets, including unique flavors like sun-dried tomato and Ghanaian chocolate and coffee, along with the timeless tiramisu for a sweet finish.

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